In David's last words we are pointed to Jesus ruling with righteousness and justice.
We get a clear picture of how David's life experiences shaped his view of God from this song of David's.
We are called to be warriors, but how does Jesus show us how to do that?
A comparison of the failures of Saul and of David, and what a difference the heart attitude makes.
How does a divided Judah and Israel relate to our broken relationships?
Sin has repercussions not just in our own lives, but affects our families and others around us.
As a sidebar to our study in 2 Samuel, Jamison leads us in a study of Psalm 51.
David gives in to lust and then compounds it with murder. He is contrite and God shows unexpected power to forgive.
As a sidebar to our study in Samuel, we do a deep dive into our adoption as sons and daughters of the King through Christ Jesus.
Contrary to customs, King David shows "hesed" to Mephibosheth as God does to us.
David was far from perfect but the permanent covenant came through him and his family.
There is a breach between God and man since Genesis 3. How does bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel relate to our situation?
We as sheep need a shepherd to lead us. Leading and following both start with prayer.
After many years on the run and in exile, David is finally crowned king, but it still takes several years.
Powerful things happen to us when we go through the toughest times.
A lie can be powerful, but not nearly as powerful as surrender.
What is an impaired heart and what perils are inherent in having one?
Are you willful or willing? Are they opposites or can they coexist?
Suffering has a purpose and if we don't waste it, it becomes the stuff of faith.
"The Wilderness" represents the struggles that take us from cleanly to holy.
What was the idol that stole Saul's heart and left him so bent on getting rid of David even at the expense of family?
The first of three traits of Saul’s downfall: Jealousy
We as humans need friendships, but not just any friendships; we need covenant, sacramental friendships.
Many sermons will tell you to be like David and face your giants, but are we really David in this story?
Many sermons will tell you to be like David and face your giants, but are we really David in this story?
We look at the anointing of David to be king, and see Jesus in this story just as we should strive to see Him in all of the Bible.
Saul, Israel's first king, has a meteoric rise but an equally fast fall. What happened?