Partner with Us
Generosity is one of the highest forms of love and thanksgiving. It often indicates the true feelings of our heart towards a cause. Tithing on Sunday reminds us that we are involved in God's church and we should care where the money goes because God wants us to give more than money. That we should evaluate how we steward our finances, because all blessings come from God and belong to him.
We give financially to the church in worship of God, acknowledging anything we possess is ultimately a gift from God; to join him in his mission whereby he makes his name known throughout the earth through the church; in cheerful support of the ministers and pastors who are able to focus on that task; and realizing God blesses those who give.

Ways to Give
You can set up online giving through our platform on Church Center. There are options for where the donation should go. Please click here to go to Church Center.
In Person
If you prefer to write a check in person, we have an offering box in the back during our Sunday services.
Via Mail
You can mail a check to the church:
Calvary Wallingford
503 N 50th St
Seattle, WA 98103