As we start a new year, we look in Revelation where God is making all things new.
Mike wraps up the series on prayer by getting back to the basics.
Prayer is absolutely essential and the nature of your prayer relationship is greatly affected by your view of God.
Prayer is absolutely essential and the nature of your prayer relationship is greatly affected by your view of God.
We, like sheep, have gone astray; fortunately we have Jesus to shepherd us.
Wayne Taylor helps us understand how sincere Christ's love is and how it flows uphill.
It had been three years of the disciples spending almost every day with Jesus, but now Jesus has died, risen and ascended. Now what?
Come examine the resurrection and how Jesus is Lord of All.
We explore Palm Sunday and what is so significant about it.
All things for life and godliness are available to us!
Wherever we are going this year and doing with our lives, our hope must be built on Jesus' blood and righteousness.
The Seattle Calvary Chapels join together to celebrate Christmas Eve at Calvary Ballard. Pastor Mike looks at what kind of peace the angels are talking about in Luke 2.
We explore Isaiah's prophesy of the coming child King, and what the Jews of the time might have thought of it.
Exploring the significance in water baptism, and four get baptised.
Jason Sanchez shows us how we are invited to come to Jesus, not just for rest but to learn.
God helps with parts of our spiritual formation, but there are parts that we have to do.
God gave us amazing bodies and it is all of us, including our bodies, that is being transformed in His salvation.
Salvation isn't just a decision point but a process of becoming who we are in Jesus.
We can have the abundant life with Jesus not just in eternity, but now as well.
Mike joins us via Zoom with a lesson on identity, character and eternity.
The messages to seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 are really messages to all churches.
The Kingdom of Heaven is not just after we die, but is here and now. Guest speaker Mark Wilke helps us explore what this means.
Where is your treasure? Are you willing to trust God and let it go?
We can show mercy to our neighbors because we have been shown great mercy.