Chapter 18 and the five practices to greatness wrap up with radical forgiveness. What does that look like and how do we do it?
Read MoreWe examine how Jesus outlines to confront other believers from a place of love and support.
Read MoreJesus is passionate about the "little ones" or the lost; to the point of leaving the 99 to go after the 1 lost sheep.
Read MoreContinuing our series within a series on spiritual greatness, we look at expunging selfish traits.
Read MoreWe examine how Jesus' kingdom is an upside down kingdom and greatness is not what you might think.
Read MoreWe explore the depth of the transfiguration story along the parallel and related stories.
Read MoreJesus calls us to take up our cross as the way to life, but what does that mean?
Read MoreNathan teaches about being clean.
Read MoreThere will be storms in life but Jesus will go through the storm with us.
Read MoreThrough these stories in chapter 14, Matthew shows us how Jesus gave, even through exhaustion and lack.
Read MoreJesus illustrates how parables work by telling a parable; naturally...
Read MoreIn this passage we explore the parallels between Jesus' story and the story of Jonah.
Read MoreJesus gets strong with the Pharisees, why is that? What ignites his passion?
Read MoreThe Sabbath was made for man, not man made for the sabbath. Jesus adds deep perspective.
Read MoreIs the sabbath for following a bunch pharisaic rules or to stop and draw close to God?
Read MoreJesus has harsh words for the towns where He has been working. Why is He comparing them to infamous evil towns?
Read MoreWhen we go through seasons of darkness, doubt is not refusal to believe, but the struggle to believe.
Read MoreJesus assures us there will be persecution and we look at Paul as a case study.
Read MoreJesus was compassionate to the core and He sends us out as his ambassadors, so we need to share in that compassion.
Read MoreThe stories in Matthew 9 have trust in common. How much do you trust Him?
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