Can one sentence sum up all of the teaching in the Old Testament? Yes it can...
Read MoreJesus’ perspective on living together with each other and God.
Read MoreJesus’ perspective on living together with each other and God.
Read MoreJesus has a remedy for anxiety and it's all interconnected with the previous few topics.
Read MoreWe can see from multiple scriptures where God's treasure is, and where our treasure should be. How are those linked?
Read MoreFasting is a normal practice along with getting away to a secret place, prayer and giving. We have gotten away from fasting in the western evangelical church.
Read MoreJesus spent a lot of time away in prayer. We can learn to pray like Jesus; in style, in intensity, and more.
Read MoreJesus calls us to be charitable givers, and He certainly set an example.
Read MoreGiving, praying and fasting to show off really doesn't benefit anyone. So, what is the secret place?
Read MoreJesus calls us to love everyone, even our enemies. How do we do that?
Read MoreWhen confronted with evil, how should you respond? Jesus has a great way.
Read MoreThe Jews had elevated making oaths escapable to an artform. Jesus has a very different approach.
Read MoreExploring what Jesus has to say about sex, lust and divorce.
Read MoreWhat is Jesus' take on anger and where it comes from?
Read MoreOur righteousness is to surpass that of the scribes and pharisees? What does that look like?
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